Sunday, January 14, 2007

Rough day at the store! Due to some kind of scheduling oversight I was the only one in the shop today. During the week that wouldn't be so bad, but on the weekends, it's kind of a nightmare. This has happened to me one time before, but it was on a Saturday and that was much worse.

It's going to be really weird not going to work tomorrow, not having to call in. I almost feel like getting up at my regular time and showing up like nothing happened. I wonder what people would say/do?

And what to do with my free time? I was thinking of going to the gym more often. I was thinking of playing some golf. I can hang out at Scott's house and play Xbox 360 with him on Mondays. I'm sure Ephrain and I will still get together on occasion and hang out for the sake of old times. Of course I'm going to spend more time with my wife and kids, but I'm also going to try and squeeze a little "me" time in as well.

When will I start looking for another job? Soon. I don't want to put it off for too long, but I also don't want to rush into anything. I'm going to start early but take my time.


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